¾ðÁ¨°£ ÇູÇØÁö°ÚÁÒ - Alex Theater, 216 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203, USA

¼Ò±Ý, °¡º¯Å©±â, 2014

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might be happy someday - Alex Theater, 216 N Brand Blvd, Glendale, CA 91203, USA

salt, variable size, 2014

I have a trauma in the harsh education environment. When I was fourteen, I suddenly transferred to another middle school in Daechi-dong, Gangnam in Seoul. Daechi-dong is one of a region known as a symbol of wealth and high educational fever in Korea. When I first moved there I felt like a complete outsider, and I was treated as a stranger in class. I couldn¡¯t adjust because of the peculiar atmosphere of Daechi-dong. For example, most students there acted as if their parent¡¯s wealth, glory, and power are all theirs. Also, many student's dreams were decided passively according to parents¡¯ wishes. School life was full of excessive competition. That one year changed my own values and character and made my daily life and relationship with people unfamiliar.


After that, when I was 20, One day, I saw an interview in a magazine that a 14-year-old student living in Daechi-dong. Same as me. The article¡¯s title was ¡¸I don¡¯t want to live in Daechi-dong ¡¹. At the end of the interview, the reporter asked her. ¡°Are you happy now?¡± She said. ¡°Later, I¡¯ll be happy.¡±


The answer made me think deeply. She is young and she has a right to enjoy her lifetime. In a harsh educational environment, she lost a freedom as her age. I wanted to change her words and make the words to be read in a various way and depending on different perspectives of each person. I want each own stories in people¡¯s mind to be a trigger in various contexts.


Glendale, LA is an area where more than 50% of the population are Armenians. Armenia is a country with a tragic history of ethnic genocide under the tyranny of the Osman Empire. The local community of Glendale expressed deep sympathy with the 'Japanese Military Comfort Women' issue of Korea, and has paid special attention to the issue. As a result, on July 30, 2013, the 'Korean Comfort Women Statue¡¯ was erected in the Glendale Central Park in front of the Glendale Central Library, public land of the municipal government of Glendale, LA, USA, for the first time outside of Korea.


The <might be happy someday> series was exhibited in Glendale in July 2014. This artwork installed texts with salt on the floor at the entrance of the Alex Theater, the venue of the 3rd anniversary of Glendale¡¯s Korean Comfort Women Day*, and on the ground and benches in Glendale Central Park, and when people walk on them or touch them, the texts slowly disappeared. We paid attention to the fact that the times of people, who are living in the present in different cultures overlap in a place where its unique history coexists with the history of Korean comfort women, and individual narrations expand into a common memory. The landscape is scattered by the steps of people and the wind, melted by rain, and permeates and disappears like teardrops. Like salt that seems to vanish, but does not vanish, and is crystallized again and circulated forever, it proves its existence with absence. Also, white salt that purifies the impure serves as a medium that calls people¡¯s attention to the dignity of man and human suffering.


* "Comfort Woman" is a euphemistic term that refers to a system of military sexual slavery by the Government of Japan during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of WWII. This system of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan is considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, including gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violations resulting in multilation, death, or eventual suicide. It is one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century. (H. Res. 121) An estimated 200,000 young women, including girls as young as 12 years old from 11 different countries were abducted and deceived into warzone brothels throughout the Asia Pacific region. Many of the women were massacred at the end of the war in an attempt to destroy the evidence of the sexual slavery. Japanese public and private officials are still trying to deny, downplay and whitewash the 'Comfort Women' tradegy and other Japanese war crimes during World War II. The 2nd Abe administration in 2014 made an attempt to revise or rescind the Kono Statement (1993) on the 'Comfort Women', which expressed the Government's sincere aplogies and remorse for their ordeal. The minister of Education in Japan said in 2014 that Kono Statement cannot be included in the school textbook because it was never ratified by the Japanese Diet. "Halmoni", which means grandmother in Korean, is often used to refer to the survivors instead of the euphemistic "comfort women" or the term former "sex slave". There are 36 "Halmonees" in Korea as of August 23, 2017(54 ¡°Halmonees¡± June 10, 2014), and the victims and activists are still hilding weekly demonstrations in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, demanding Japanese Government to offer a sincere, unequivocal, official apology for the egregious crimes it committed during the war.



