BLIND SPOT - °­³² ÇÁ·ÎÁ§Æ® - ²Þ¡ÚÀº ÀÌ·ç¾îÁø´Ù

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BLIND SPOT - Gangnam Project - Dreams¡ÚCome True

gathering school anthems of prestigious schools in Gangnam School District 8 and then recreating the new school anthem, variable size, 2017


The <Gangnam Project> is an artwork that is an extension of previous artworks that emphasized happiness, and paid attention to the notional blind spots symbolizing alienated viewpoints and irrationalities. It is a record of the Daechi-dong landscape that continues to exist with an odd rhythm of survival devoid of its purpose. The everyday life displayed by the Daechi-dong landscape is very bizarre and strang. However, this landscape is an extremely ordinary Daechi-dong landscape.




+ motive from the <BLIND SPOT> series

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The space called BLIND SPOT, which certainly exists, but does not exist, is visible, but not visible, and is not in the spotlight and not being used, so I thought BLIND SPOT is another name of alienation. I think everywhere in our daily lives, social landscape like the blind spot is rampant. Irrational social problems are transformed into the blind spot in human rights, ethics, politics, education, etc. and leave a collective trauma in our lives.




+ research


























+ Behind Episode






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